
As part of our comprehensive logistic services, we will ensure the final distribution of your goods to end customers, as well as to sales networks, distribution centres or small and medium-sized businesses. We can of course arrange the distribution with or without use of the thermal system.


Thanks to our long-term partners, we can use a large and reliable network of warehouses with or without the thermal system. Depending on your needs, we will choose a suitable location with adequate equipment for safe storage of your goods.

pallete management

Thanks to our accurate records, we can monitor all movements of pallet accounts. We will keep the related records for you and set the interval for their checks and subsequent confirmation based on an individual agreement. If necessary, we are ready to offer you consultancy in this field and design the best solution for you.


Road freight transport undoubtedly is the main pillar of LOGPRO s.r.o. s business. We provide logistic services predominantly in international transportation within the countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe. We also can arrange inland transportation according to your requirements and needs. In our basic portfolio we offer our clients full truckload shipping, shipping of individual packages or containers, everything with or without the possibility to use the thermal system.

Area of provided services

  • core
  • main
  • standard
  • on request

Offer of services

We specialize in LOGISTICS. We will ensure reliable supplies of raw materials to your operations, acceptance of final products and their subsequent receipt in a warehouse, or direct deliveries to customers. We improve logistic processes effectively according to your needs.


Road freight transport undoubtedly is the main pillar of LOGPRO s.r.o. s business. We provide logistic services predominantly in international transportation within the countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe. We also can arrange inland transportation according to your requirements and needs. In our basic portfolio we offer our clients full truckload shipping, shipping of individual packages or containers, everything with or without the possibility to use the thermal system.


As part of our comprehensive logistic services, we will ensure the final distribution of your goods to end customers, as well as to sales networks, distribution centres or small and medium-sized businesses. We can of course arrange the distribution with or without use of the thermal system.


Thanks to our long-term partners, we can use a large and reliable network of warehouses with or without the thermal system. Depending on your needs, we will choose a suitable location with adequate equipment for safe storage of your goods.

pallete management

Thanks to our accurate records, we can monitor all movements of pallet accounts. We will keep the related records for you and set the interval for their checks and subsequent confirmation based on an individual agreement. If necessary, we are ready to offer you consultancy in this field and design the best solution for you.


Certified VAT registration
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Extract from the Trades Register
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Extract from the Commercial Register
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Insurance Certificate
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Letter of Rights to protect personal data
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Privacy Policy
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Bussines conditions
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About the company


Our philosophy

It will probably come as no surprise that the philosophy of LOGPRO s.r.o. is always a satisfied customer. If we offered our services without this objective, we could not become a strong player on the logistics and transportation market. We also place great emphasis on safety. We only cooperate with reliable and credible partners, whose technical equipment meets the demanding requirements for modern transportation technology. We are aware of the ecological impacts of transportation, and therefore our partners fleets must meet strict Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. We always endeavour to search for new ways and innovative solutions. We apply an individual approach to customers. We will always ensure the best solution for you, according to your needs and requirements. We believe in long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, which is our goal.

How we work

LOGPRO s.r.o. is a well-coordinated team of professionals with years of experience in logistics and transportation. We arrange shipments of various commodities for our clients according to their individual needs, including logistics of chilled and frozen food. We only work with reliable and long-term contractual partners. This is also one of the reasons why we can provide you with JIT (just-in-time) services. To monitor the movements of transported goods, we regularly use GPS monitoring of vehicles, or direct contact with the driver. Insurance of all costs up to CZK 10 million is part of our standard service. We are here to serve you, according to your needs and requirements. At LOGPRO s.r.o we always focus on an individual approach to customers. We endeavour to meet your requirements and expectations.


LOGPRO s.r.o.
Seat of company:
Barrandova 1920/5
143 00 Praha 4 - Modřany
Česká republika

Office adress:
Sokolovská 352/215
190 00 Praha 9
Česká republika

Tel.: +420 266 721 847

CRN 03925692, TIN CZ03925692
The company is registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 240044
The company's registered capital is CZK 200,000

